Bluford Shops 16121 - 3 Bay Offset Side Hopper with Wood Chip Mod - Canadian Pacific #358043
As the timber industry discovered new uses for wood chips (they had been burning them as waste,) the railroad industry hurried to develop a means to haul them economically. By adding extension boards to standard 70 ton coal hoppers, many roads were able to take on this traffic. Some railroads preferred flat side extensions made from steel or composite (steel and plywood) while others preferred rib-sided extensions.
These ready-to-run cars feature: diecast slope sheet-hopper bay-center sill assembly; injection molded plastic sides, ends, and hopper doors; fully molded brake tank, valve and air lines; slope sheet braces; separately molded vertical brake rod and lever assembly; body mounted brake hose detail; chip load; body mounted magnetically operating couplers; close coupling; friction bearing or roller bearing trucks as appropriate for each road name and Fox Valley Models metal wheels.